- If you want to write a great blog you need to write for a tribe says Seth Godin. (I find myself wondering who might be in my tribe and if I want the role of writing or indeed 'leading' them. I reckon my tribe would lose in a fight to the Huffington Post tribe though.)
- Paul Bradshaw has been having a go at defining blogging, or at least defining what news blogging should be. You'll find my views in the comments.
- The BBC's Helen Boaden on citizen journalism and democracy.
- Steve Bowbrick says the Broadcast Era is over. (Not sure why I decided to capitalise there - gives the impression it's on a par with the Mesozoic Era and the like)
So in a post coming tomorrow: 'All the "this is totally off the record", "that's unbloggable", "please don't include", "you won't be passing this to the Daily Mail will you" conversations I've been privy to since the start of the project'....hmm...don't get your hopes up.)
- Nick Reynolds points to a blog that shows how the BBC can make bloggers happy by linking to them. And always better to make happy bloggers than have to deal with angry bloggers.
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