A while ago, I interviewed Stuart Hughes, Defence and Security Producer at the BBC about his blog. I'm just transcribing it now.
In the interview, he describes his blog as a "scrapbook" - "a scrapbook for all the stuff that falls on the floor when you're working".
I've never heard anyone else describe a blog like this. Maybe a blog is more of an interactive scrapbook but I like the idea.
Tom Barnett has used his blog on occasion to footnote his published works, or note pieces which were not included in the published version of a book but retain background interest...
Same general principle, and a neat adjunct to the idea of "the book" I'd say.
Thoughts of scrapbooks and all that... this might interest you
Washing line/scrapbook. Same difference.
Ta both. (Just as long as you don't try to use a real scrapbook as a washing line and vice versa.)
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