
Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Bandwidth: the curse of US milbloggers

Frontline Fobbit says he hasn't been able to access his blog recently because his journal has been blocked by military networks. He claims:
"It isn't because of anything I did or said, but because they have filtered out blogging sites to conserve bandwidth."
'Bandwidth' was also cited by the US military when they stopped serving soldiers using Youtube and MySpace in May last year.

If any other US milblogs have been affected in the same way as Frontline Fobbit please get in touch.


Susan Katz Keating said...

Hi Daniel,

My own blog has been partially blocked by DOD servers at Pentagon. My sources there tell me they can see some material, but not others, and that a message explains that the material is being blocked for "malicious content." Only thing is, my writings are suppportive of the mission and the troops. I write on a range of national security topics, and am not currently in the military.

Daniel Bennett said...

Thanks for this insight. Can you work out from your sources what sort of material gets blocked or does the blocking appear to be arbitrary? It does seem exceptionally strange that they would actively remove content that supported the military.

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